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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Click* Product Composition of Detox Program

Product Composition of detox Program

The products of multi detox ‘Enzyme Semi Diet Program’ is reliable products
developed under joint research and development program of medical doctors in 
the western and oriental medical sciences and alternative medicine as well.

product outline:

It is enzyme product of complex lactobacillus made of grain enzyme.
It recovers the ecosystem in the intestine and helps improve physical vitality because it contains plenty of enzymes and complex lactobacillus.
In addition to that, it promotes the physical metabolic function because it contains plenty of vitamins, minerals and other necessary nutrients. It also helps remove the feeling of hunger because it serves well as meal substitution.

Main component:

Fermented Grain Powder(Brown Rice, Embryo Bud of Rice, Soybean), Complex
Vegetable Extract(Rice Kernel, Sea Mustard, Kelp), Calcium Lactate, Oxide of
Magnesium, Calcium Pantothenate, Zinc Oxide, Complex Lactobacillus, Magnanese Sulfate.

How to Eat:

Take 3 doses(15g) three times a day for 8 days after warming up.

Product outline:

It burns off body fat and change it into energy, and suppresses the appetite and is loaded with antioxidant. Besides that, it helps reduce body fat by suppressing of synthesis of carbohydrate into fat.

Main component:

Extract of Garcinia Cambogia, Polydextrose(Glucose, Citric Acid, Sorbitol),
Indigestible Maltodextrin, Extract Powder of Prune Juice(Concentrated Prune Juice,Dextrine), Extract Powder of Mate, Extract Powder of Green Tea, Extract Powder of Chaga Mushroom(Extract of Chaga Mushroom, Dextrine), L-Carnitine

How to eat:

Take 2 doses(5g) three times a day for 8 days after warming up.

Garcinia Cambogia is:

From experiments on human bodies, HCA(Hydroxy Citric Acid), the abstract from the fruit of Garcinia tree grows in Sout Asia proved to be of help reduce body fat as well as the fat in intestine by suppressing the enzymes synthesizing body fat in carbohydrate, and also helps reduce body fat through the effect of appetite suppression by promoting secretion of serotonin in the brain.

Product outline:

Gene-Fiber helps improve the environment in intestine, have smooth bowel
movement, improving elimination of harmful material and toxin from the body. In addition to that, it also helps keep balance of intestinal bacteria by cultivating useful bacteria as well as by suppressing harmful bacteria.

Main component:

Skin Powder of Plantago Seed, Indigestible Maltodextrin, Extract Powder of Aloe,Powder of Kelp, Fermented Powder of Cultivated Grain Enzyme, Roasted Organic Brown Rice, Roasted Organic Barley, Roasted Organic Germinated Brown Rice, Roasted Organic Black Rice, Soybean Protein, Spawn, Extract Powder of Prune Juice, Extract Powder of Green Tea, Nonbacterial Alpha-Amylase and Lactitol.

How to eat: 

Take 1 dose two times a day with suffi cient water(300cc). Please make sure to take one hour before taking other product.

Product outline:

It is supplementary enzyme which is of help to the role of arbitration for the body as the material solving the problem occurred in gene.
It supply nutrient directly to cell by promoting metabolism and also elevates the 
power of cell therapy, cell division and immunity. Moreover, it helps suppress fat 
absorption by antioxidative activity and protamine, activating cancer cell inhibiting 

Main component :

Protein Powder of Milt of Salmon, Powder of Plum Flavor, Enzyme Powder of Barley,Concentrated Powder of Blue Berry, Vitamin C, Powder of Seaweeds, Powder of Fish 
Collagen, L-Glutamine, Mixed Lactobacillus, Extract Powder of Tumeric, Powder of 
Green Tea, Octacosanol, L-Arginine, Magnesium Stearate, Shark Cartilage Extract 
Powder, Vitamin A Mixed Powder, Vitamin E Mixed Powder, Vitamin B₂, Vitamin B₁,
Hydrochloride, Hydrochloride of Vitamin B6, Maltitol and Sucralose.

How to eat :

Take 1 dose three times a day with water.

Product outline:

It will help to improve the function of antioxidative activity eliminating fat, body
wastes and toxin in the body by enhancing metabolic function in the body. It
also improves the diureticalness, helping comfortable bowel movement and easy elimination of harmful material and toxin from the body.

Main component:

Mate, Rooibos, Cassia Seed, Solomon’s Seal, Brown Rice, Corn Silk, Adlay, Lotus Leaf, Chinese Matrimony, Crataegus Fruit

How to eat:

Take it as frequently as you can after brewing 1 or 2 tea bag(s) in the warm water of 1 liter.

Mate Tea:

As green tea produced in South America, it is gaining a lot of popularity as the diet tea in Europe. Saponin of mate helps to reinforce the immunity system of body and, in particular, the plenty magnesium and nucleolus contained in it will be of help to the persons suffering from insomnia or lack of sleep because it reduces blood pressure by expanding blood vessel as well as maintains balanced sleep cycle.


It helps to prevent cancer because it contains more than 50 times of SOD component which removes active oxygen than green tea as well as plenty of Vitamin C and E. Furthermore, the rich minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium reduce stress and help to sleep deeply and soundly.

Click* For English Speaking Customer (Product infor)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

클릭 * 기적의 8일 효소 디톡스 다이어트 프로그램-미국 구매 정보

안녕하십니까 .
한국에서 이미 유명한 효소 디톡스 식품 이번에 미국에 들어오게 되어 이렇게 알려드립니다.(의사 들이 직접 개발 , MD , 한의사 , ND 등등 )
현대인 들이 말하는 불치병중 하나인 비만 , 고혈압 , 당뇨병 우리 몸의 내분비 질환 탁월한 효과를
보이는 효소 다이어트 우리 몸에 쌓인 toxin 내장지방 제거 함으로 자생능력을 자체적으로 키워 낼수
있게 하는 프로그램 입니다. 많은 현대인들이 불균형화 음식섭취 제대로된 영양소를 섭취 하지 못하고 있습니다
그것 도와 주는 것이 바로 효소 디톡스 입니다. 저희 안에 살고있는 미터콘드리아들 에게 좋아하는 좋은
영양소(효소) 섭취 하게 하면 영양소를 에너지로 활용 하고 자연히 활용된 에너지는 살과 함께 빠지게 되는것이 원리 입니다 .
많은 정보 임상 사례 원하시는 분들은 네이버 닥터생명과학 이라고 보세요 (한국 본사 페이지)
현재 미국 시장 진출 기념 프로모션 으로 한국에서 55 만원에 팔리고 있는 제품을 한국 보다 저렴한 가격으로 제품 판매 하고있습니다..!!

저희 제품은 확실한 제품 으로 타사 제품과 꼭 비교해 보싶시요. 기본 효소의 질 부터 다릅니다 그뿐만 아니라 다른
회사들이 흉내낼수 도 없는 기술력으로 개발한 핵산 , 등등 효소 식품의 최고 를 자부 합니다. 다 같은 효소가 아닙니다
매진 되면 다시는 프로모션 가격으로 여러분을 모실수 없습니다.
그리고 굼금한 있으신분은 저에게 연락 주십시요. 성심 성의것 도와 드리겠습니다.
저희 상품은 lap 에서 모든 R&D 공정을 거처 단순 무해 식품으로 개발한 이므로 안전합니다.
마황,양방제제 들어가 있지 않으므로 이에 관한 부작용이 없습니다.
닥터생명과학 미국 총판:
* John Lee L.Ac ( 714. 329. 3815 )    * Kris Park (714. 788. 8681)
건강식품 , 한의원 판매 , 대리점 모집 .